5:28PM Sat. Feb. 8, 2025 Eastern -- US Markets
are Closed |
Active Stocks for Symbols Starting with I


For a list of stocks from the major US stock exchanges which are used in the Stock Challenge, please see the links below. Stocks symbols are listed by alphabetical order.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R
| S | T | U |V | W | X | Y | Z
I - Intelsat S.A. IACI - IAC/InterActiveCorp IAE - Voya Asia Pacific High Dividend IAF - Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund IAG - Iamgold Corporation Ordinary Sh IART - Integra LifeSciences Holdings C IBA - Industrias Bachoco, S.A.B. de C IBB - iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology In IBCP - Independent Bank Corporation IBIO - iBio, Inc. Common Stock IBKC - IBERIABANK Corporation IBKR - Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. IBM - International Business Machines IBN - ICICI Bank Limited IBO - IBO (Listing Market - NYSE Amex IBOC - International Bancshares Corpor IBP - Installed Building Products, In IBTX - Independent Bank Group, Inc ICA - Empresas Ica Soc Contrladora Co ICAD - icad inc. ICB - MS Income Securities, Inc. ICBK - County Bancorp, Inc. ICCC - ImmuCell Corporation ICD - Independence Contract Drilling, ICE - Intercontinental Exchange Inc. ICFI - ICF International, Inc. ICL - Israel Chemicals Limited Ordina ICLD - InterCloud Systems, Inc ICLDW - InterCloud Systems, Inc - Warra ICLN - iShares S&P Global Clean Energy ICLR - ICON plc - Ordinary Shares ICON - Iconix Brand Group, Inc. ICPT - Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ICUI - ICU Medical, Inc. IDA - IDACORP, Inc. IDCC - InterDigital, Inc. IDE - Voya Infrastructure, Industrial IDG - ** SEE IDI - IDI, Inc. IDN - Intellicheck, Inc. IDRA - Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. IDSA - Industrial Services of America, IDSY - I.D. Systems, Inc. IDT - IDT Corporation Class B IDTI - Integrated Device Technology, I IDXX - IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. IEC - IEC Electronics Corp. IEH - Integrys Energy Group 6.00% Jun IEP - Icahn Enterprises L.P. - Deposi IESC - IES Holdings, Inc. IEUS - iShares MSCI Europe Small-Cap E IEX - IDEX Corporation IF - Aberdeen Indonesia Fund, Inc. ( IFAS - iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Develo IFEU - iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Europe IFF - Internationa Flavors & Fragranc IFGL - iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global IFMI - Institutional Financial Markets IFN - India Fund, Inc. (The) IFNA - iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT North IFON - InfoSonics Corp IFT - Imperial Holdings, Inc. Common IFV - First Trust Dorsey Wright Inter IG - IGI, Laboratories Inc. Common S IGA - Voya Global Advantage and Premi IGC - India Globalization Capital Inc IGD - Voya Global Equity Dividend and IGI - Western Asset Investment Grade IGLD - Internet Gold Golden Lines Ltd. IGOV - iShares International Treasury IGR - CBRE Clarion Global Real Estate IGT - International Game Technology O IGTE - iGATE Corporation IHC - Independence Holding Company Co IHD - Voya Emerging Markets High Inco IHG - Intercontinental Hotels Group A IHS - IHS Inc. IHS Inc. Class A Commo IHT - InnSuites Hospitality Trust Sha IID - Voya International High Dividen IIF - Morgan Stanley India Investment III - Information Services Group, Inc IIIN - Insteel Industries, Inc. IIJI - Internet Initiative Japan, Inc. IILG - Interval Leisure Group, Inc. IIM - Invesco Value Municipal Income IIN - IntriCon Corporation IIVI - II-VI Incorporated IKAN - Ikanos Communications, Inc. IKGH - Iao Kun Group Holding Company L IKNX - Ikonics Corporation IL - IntraLinks Holdings, Inc. Commo ILMN - Illumina, Inc. IM - Ingram Micro Inc. Common Stock IMAX - Imax Corporation IMC - Invesco Value Mun IMDZ - Immune Design Corp. IMGN - ImmunoGen, Inc. IMH - Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. IMI - Intermolecular, Inc. IMKTA - Ingles Markets, Incorporated IMMR - Immersion Corporation IMMU - Immunomedics, Inc. IMMY - Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. IMN - Imation Corporation Common Stoc IMNP - Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc. IMO - Imperial Oil Limited IMOS - ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES INC. - Ame IMPR - Imprivata, Inc. Common Stock IMPV - Imperva, Inc. IMRS - Imris Inc IMS - IMS Health Holdings, Inc. Commo IMUC - ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Lt INAP - Internap Corporation INB - Cohen & Steers Global Income Bu INBK - First Internet Bancorp INCR - INC Research Holdings, Inc. INCY - Incyte Corporation IND - ING Group, N.V. Perpetual Debt INDB - Independent Bank Corp. INDY - iShares S&P India Nifty 50 Inde INF - Brookfield Global Listed Infras INFA - Informatica Corporation INFI - Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. INFN - Infinera Corporation INFU - InfuSystems Holdings, Inc. Comm INFY - Infosys Limited American Deposi ING - ING Group, N.V. INGN - Inogen, Inc INGR - Ingredion Incorporated ININ - Interactive Intelligence Group, INN - Summit Hotel Properties, Inc. INNL - Innocoll Holdings - Ordinary Sh INO - Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. INOD - Innodata Inc. INOV - Inovalon Holdings, Inc. INPH - Interphase Corporation INS - Intelligent Systems Corporation INSM - Insmed, Inc. INSY - Insys Therapeutics, Inc. INT - World Fuel Services Corporation INTC - Intel Corporation INTG - The Intergroup Corporation INTL - INTL FCStone Inc. INTLL - INTL FCStone Inc. INTT - inTest Corporation Common Stock INTU - Intuit Inc. INTX - Intersections, Inc. INUV - Inuvo, Inc New INVE - Identiv, Inc. INVN - InvenSense, Inc. Common Stock INVT - Inventergy Global, Inc. INWK - InnerWorkings, Inc. INXN - InterXion Holding N.V. Ordinary INZ - Ing Groep NV Perpetual Debt Sec IO - Ion Geophysical Corporation IOC - InterOil Corporation IOSP - Innospec Inc. IOT - Income Opportunity Realty Inves IP - International Paper Company IPAR - Inter Parfums, Inc. IPAS - iPass Inc. IPB - Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 6.051 IPCC - Infinity Property and Casualty IPCI - Intellipharmaceutics Internatio IPCM - IPC Healthcare, Inc. IPDN - Professional Diversity Network, IPG - Interpublic Group of Companies, IPGP - IPG Photonics Corporation IPHI - Inphi Corporation $0.001 par v IPHS - Innophos Holdings, Inc. IPI - Intrepid Potash, Inc IPKW - PowerShares International BuyBa IPWR - Ideal Power Inc. IPXL - Impax Laboratories, Inc. IQI - Invesco Quality Municipal Incom IQNT - Inteliquent, Inc. IR - Ingersoll-Rand plc (Ireland) IRBT - iRobot Corporation IRC - Inland Real Estate Corporation IRCP - IRSA Propiedades Comerciales S. IRDM - Iridium Communications Inc IRDMB - Iridium Communications Inc - 6. IRET - Investors Real Estate Trust Sha IRG - Ignite Restaurant Group, Inc. IRIX - IRIDEX Corporation IRL - New Ireland Fund, Inc (The) IRM - Iron Mountain Incorporated (Del IRMD - iRadimed Corporation IROQ - IF Bancorp, Inc. IRR - Voya Natural Resources Equity I IRS - IRSA Inversiones Y Representaci IRT - Independence Realty Trust, Inc. IRWD - Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ISBC - Investors Bancorp, Inc. ISCA - International Speedway Corporat ISD - Prudential Short Duration High ISDR - Issuer Direct Corporation ISF - ING Group, N.V. Perp Hybrid Cap ISG - ING Group, N.V. Perpetual Dent ISH - International Shipholding Corpo ISHG - iShares S&P/Citigroup 1-3 Yr In ISIG - Insignia Systems, Inc. ISIL - Intersil Corporation ISIS - Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ISL - Aberdeen Israel Fund, Inc. (The ISLE - Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. ISM - SLM Corporation - Medium Term N ISNS - Image Sensing Systems, Inc. ISP - ING Groep NV 6.20% Perpetual De ISR - IsoRay, Inc. Common Stock ISRG - Intuitive Surgical, Inc. ISRL - Isramco, Inc. ISSC - Innovative Solutions and Suppor ISSI - Integrated Silicon Solution, In ISTR - Investar Holding Corporation IT - Gartner, Inc. ITC - ITC Holdings Corp. Common Stock ITCI - Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc. ITEK - Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corporat ITG - Investment Technology Group, In ITI - Iteris, Inc. ITIC - Investors Title Company ITRI - Itron, Inc. ITRN - Ituran Location and Control Ltd ITT - ITT Inc. ITUB - Itau Unibanco Banco Holding SA ITW - Illinois Tool Works Inc. IVAC - Intevac, Inc. IVC - Invacare Corporation IVH - Ivy High Income Opportunities F IVR - INVESCO MORTGAGE CAPITAL INC IVZ - Invesco Ltd IX - Orix Corp Ads IXYS - IXYS Corporation
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